Benchmark Windows System

In today’s market there is range of affordable to high-end and low-end computers that are loaded with variety of specs. The purpose of this article is to measure the performance of computer of your choice using diagnostics tests to measure different performance metrics of the processor/computer. The performance is depend of hardware architecture of different devices like CPU, Memory, I/O and also depend on the type of the program being executed and compilers. In this article I am using open source Phoronix Test Suite.

The Phoronix Test Suite can run from its local directory and does not need to be "installed" to a system path or any other "setup" process prior to execution. On a clean install of Windows 10 x64 or Windows Server 2016, deploying the Phoronix Test Suite is designed to be as easy and straight-forward as possible:
1. Download the Phoronix Test Suite 8.0+ or Phoronix-Test-Suite from GitHub (zip file).
2. From the Command Prompt or PowerShell, enter the phoronix-test-suite directory whether it be from Git or a zipped download.
3. Run the phoronix-test-suite.bat file that should proceed to run the Phoronix Test Suite just as you would on any other operating system. If needed the Phoronix Test Suite will try to initially download and setup PHP if needed followed by the attempted automatic Cygwin setup, etc.
4. Any of the Phoronix Test Suite commands from other operating systems should work on Windows. If you are new to the Phoronix Test Suite, you may enjoy a bit more guided experience by running the phoronix-test-suite shell command.

I have done these steps at below location, now start PTS:

PS C:\Users\void_io\Downloads\phoronix-test-suite-9.6.1\phoronix-test-suite-9.6.1> start phoronix-test-suite.bat

When you submit the above start command this will Install PHP and Microsoft Visuual C++ then it install cygwin at end..

PTS interactive mode 

Besides phoronix-test-suite shell and phoronix-test-suite help, there is also phoronix-test-suite interactive for helping new users understand Phoronix Test Suite benchmarking. Long story short, it should be as easy as running phoronix-test-suite benchmark c-ray or phoronix-test-suite benchmark crafty as some examples for carrying out automated, cross-platform benchmarks in a side-by-side and fully-reproducible manner.

$ phoronix-test-suite interactive

Interactive Benchmarking

System Serial Number: /5Z51BL2/CNWSC0084T0056/

1: Run A Test / Benchmark
2: Run A Suite      [A Collection Of Tests]
3: Run A Stress Test      [Concurrent Benchmarks For Heavy System Load]
4: Show System Hardware / Software Information
5: Show Available System Sensors
6: List Available Tests
7: List Recommended Tests
8: Search Tests / Suites / Results
9: Exit
Select Task: 4

System Information

  PROCESSOR:          Intel Core i3-7130U @ 2.70GHz
    Core Count:       2
    Thread Count:     4
    Cache Size:       512 KB

  GRAPHICS:           Intel HD 620 1GB
    Vulkan:           1.0.65
    Display Driver:
    Screen:           1366x768

  MOTHERBOARD:        Dell 0P1XYM
    BIOS Version:     3.4.0

  MEMORY:             2 x 4096 MB 2133MHz

  DISK:               112GB KINGSTON SA400S37120G + 932GB TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100
    File-System:      NTFS

  OPERATING SYSTEM:   Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Build 18363
    Kernel:           10.0 (x86_64)
    Compiler:         GCC 6.3.0
    Security:         __user pointer sanitization: Disabled
                      + IBPB: Always
                      + IBRS: Enabled
                      + STIBP: Enabled
                      + KPTI Enabled: Yes
                      + PTE Inversion: Yes
1: Run A Test / Benchmark
2: Run A Suite      [A Collection Of Tests]
3: Run A Stress Test      [Concurrent Benchmarks For Heavy System Load]
4: Show System Hardware / Software Information
5: Show Available System Sensors
6: List Available Tests
7: List Recommended Tests
8: Search Tests / Suites / Results
9: Exit
Select Task:     

CPU test and Overall score: Task 2 in above

Below is the total list of CPU test avilable, in below chose the option labelled as CPU (in below case task 8) and let it run, this may take several minute you have to be patience as time will depend on your hardware and network speed.

1:  pts/audio-encoding
2:  pts/av1
3:  pts/bioinformatics
4:  pts/chess
5:  pts/compilation
6:  pts/compiler
7:  pts/compression
8:  pts/cpu
9:  pts/cpu-massive
10: pts/creator
11: pts/cryptography
12: pts/database
13: pts/desktop-graphics
14: pts/disk
15: pts/gaming
16: pts/gaming-closed
17: pts/gaming-free
18: pts/hpc
19: pts/imaging
20: pts/java
21: pts/kernel
22: pts/linear-algebra
23: pts/machine-learning
24: pts/memory
25: pts/molecular-dynamics
26: pts/mpi
27: pts/multicore
28: pts/network
29: pts/oneapi
30: pts/opencl
31: pts/python
32: pts/raytracing
33: pts/renderers
34: pts/scientific-computing
35: pts/server
36: pts/server-cpu-tests
37: pts/server-memory
38: pts/single-threaded
39: pts/unigine
40: pts/video-encoding
41: pts/workstation
42: pts/system
43: pts/processor
44: pts/disk
45: pts/graphics
46: pts/memory
47: pts/network
48: pts/other
** Multiple items can be selected, delimit by a comma. **
Select Suite: 8

It will install Strawberry Perl, PHP, Python 3.7/2.7 etc supporting software
After that it will start downloading actual test files, this roughly takes more than 1 hour on F8 Azure machine (this is network intensive task)
It will ask to install Strawberry Perl, Say Yes.

=== Strawberry Perl (64-bit) README ===

What is Strawberry Perl?
* 'Perl' is a programming language suitable for writing simple scripts as well
  as complex applications. See

* 'Strawberry Perl' is a perl environment for Microsoft Windows containing all
  you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close
  as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems. See

* If you are completely new to perl consider visiting

Now this will install Python 3.7.1and 2.7 say yes here too. Monitor network speed during these downloads.

One Important test it will install i.e. Novabench

Novabench is a free PC benchmark software to quickly test the system. Anyone can easily use it know as well as compare the performance of your system with others. Performing tests in minutes, the tool is quick to run and give optimum results. Starting from GPU and CPU tests, the tool offers Direct3D 11/Metal graphics with OpenCL compute test. With the comprehensive tests, the Novabench GPU benchmarking software also performs memory transfer speed with the disk read as well as write speed. I have ran few test using this, let me share you the details here:
Novabench will run general cpu , memory disk GPU test, but in my case I select CPU only. Check below score in my first this test:

Now coming back the CPU PTS test installation, last test you will see during installation will be blender: this is the heaviest test and may take hours.
All these test are being installed at C:\Users\void_io\.phoronix-test-suite\installed-tests\pts
If you see No progress for blender tesst download – have patience, this take for me also hours to complete. Navigate to folder

Check if size is increasing. It is about 1165 MB total but the file which took most time was 507 MB
This test generally take longest time might be an hour depending on different parameter. Others test of same size was quick. Network Bandwidth will drop once complete like below:

When installation is done it will start test. Total 6 test in this case. Check CPU utilization it spike to 100% during this test.

Depending on size of your system it will take time, for me it took 1 hour 30 min

Last test will be blender test where it will benchmark the GPU or CPU. As we selected CPU so it will test CPU test only.  Longer test, 20 min approx...
Test result will be store in C:\Users\void_io\.phoronix-test-suite\test-results\voidio
 Now last test blender is running

Check process which is taking max memory…. Blender


Run Chess Test For CPU:
Here you need to choose option 2 “Run as Suit” and the option 4 (pts/chess) above we selected option 8 (pts/cpu) test.



Disk I/O Test:

Get info of test:

$ phoronix-test-suite info pts/disk

Disk Test Suite

Suite Description:  This test suite is designed to contain real-world disk and file-system tests.

Here Select Suite: 44 (pts/disk)

Network Test:
Select Suite: 47

For Memory Test
Select Suite: 46

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